Spread love


I feel very fortunate to be in a position 

where I can continue 

to do what I love.

I know that for some people, doing what they love 

or finding what they love is still an on going journey.

That’s why I never take my creative work time for granted. 

It’s a sacred time for me and I always make sure 


I am completely devoting my heart and my energy into the work in front of me.

In order to do that I know that taking good care of myself is important, too.


Good energy is contagious and I want to be 

part of those who thrive to make the world a better place

by spreading their good energy.

Doing creative work and making ceramics or other forms of art

is for me, a way to spread love and make this world an even better place. 

Sometimes I do feel like my energy is not big enough

and feel unsure if I’m really contributing to the world or not, 

but I know being persistent and keep doing what you believe in

from a loving stand point will eventually lead to making a positive impact. 

So, for people who are doing their best no matter what,

I want to show my gratitude and appreciation. 

Also, I hope that you are taking good care of yourselves 

because it’s so important to have 

a good hearted loving people on this beautiful planet. 




